Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Salivating at the Bell

I really enjoy the CBS show (and no they don't pay me...I will be sure to be ethical and say I'm being paid directly to write about something, especially if I love it) The Big Bang Theory.  Wow!  It has its own wiki page.

My favorite episode so far is the one in which Penny lets Sheldon know she has a Christmas present for him.  Sheldon is not too pleased about this, especially since he now feels obligated to get her something and he's not sure what that is.  Anyhow, craziness ensues, especially when Sheldon finds out what his gift is.  One of my...seriously...all time favorite sitcom episodes of all time.  And as I write this I am almost 50 and watch a lot of TV.

I bring up the show because the episode titled, "Chocolate?" from this new Season (as I write this, Season 3) has Leonard, Penny and Sheldon sitting on the couch together with Sheldon offering Penny chocolates from a box of chocolates.  Initially, we get the impression Sheldon is simply trying to be nice to Penny and she happily agrees to take and eat a chocolate every time Sheldon offers her one.  Only to find out that Sheldon is actually using Pavlov's theory to elicit desired behavior from Penny.  Hilarity ensues.  Yada. Yada.

I bring it up because sometimes I feel like the majority of us are conditioned and can easily be conditioned when money gets added to the mix.  For instance, Mona Vie.  The marketing for this product isn't so much about the benefits of the actual product but the benefit of how you can make a lot of money selling this product.  It just seems it may be a slippery slope when the main reason to sell something is because of all the money you will make.

Yet it seems to be effective as many people are willing to sign up salivating at the sound of the metaphorical bell that is the opportunity to make money.

Of course, what's cuisine to one may be seemingly unpalatable to another.  I simply offer it up people.

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